LAST WORKSHOP DATE FOR 2024 Nov 22nd & 23rd

TAKE ACTION & save $250.

Regular price $447, your full price is $197 plus taxes ($222)

Get ready ...

  • 2 intensive days of the most current & highest efficacy trauma knowledge available,
  • Introduction to the 7 T's of Trauma,
  • The INSPYRD Beyond Trauma WORKSHOP MANUAL including trauma focused:
    1. Sensory Acuity,
    2. Submodalities,
    3. Sympathetic Response Break States,
    4. Parasympathetic Activation Techniques,
    5. Resource State Activation,
    6. Visuospatial Interventions,
    7. Memory Labilization, and
    8. Memory Reconsolidation. 
  • Understand the mechanisms that enable >90% efficacy,
  • The VSR Trauma Intervention AND
  • Have fun while you learn to help yourself and others.

You will also be given access to INSPYRD AMA (ask me anything) Thursdays live on ZOOM at 12 noon EST.


Hosted on ZOOM 9 am - 5 pm EST

  • Nov 22nd & 23rd

What People Are Saying:

This is the best training I've had as a counsellor in my field. I left TF-NLP and felt consciously competent to walk into a week of clients and use the protocol right away. Once you find a trainer who is knowledgeable enough to provide what they say they can, you want to keep going with them. I wish this was a foundational course in grad school... I wish I had taken this earlier!

Sarah Burnett, MS, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Yoga and AcroYoga Teacher, NLP Practitioner

"Highly Recommend" “I would say that I have met few trainers in the last 40 years, in academia, continuing clinical education and NLP training, with his personal integrity, facility with NLP tools and acumen in training to clinical competency. I highly recommend his NLP Training Institute, and his personal training programs to anyone looking for genuine behavioral capability, delivered by a person of great personal empathy and integrity."

Frank Bourke, PhD, Cornell University Professor (ret'd)

LAST WORKSOP OF 2024 Take Action and SAVE $250
