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Inspired NLP Associate Practitioner Certification Training® plus Live weekly review sessions!

By registering now, you will receive our 52 Module - Online NLP Practitioner (Associate) Certification Training AND 4 Live online review sessions.

Here's what you'll get:

  • NLP Practitioner (Associate) Certification 

  • NLP Coach - structure & methodology 

  • Introduction to Time Line Therapy® 

  • Live Online Weekly Review Session with Allen and/or Tara! 

  • 52 modules of online resources, quizzes, and pre-study content

  • An invite into The Abundant Coach™ community, our live webinar community of coaches


Course Dates: Continuous

Course Location: Online

By clicking "Complete my purchase" you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions of this page.

Here's what people are saying:

“I have the tools to affect change in clients quickly and effortlessly and painlessly. I got more from this course than I did in a year and a half of coaching classes."

Elaine Turcotte, MNLP, Courageous Living

"This is the best training I've had as a counsellor in my field. I left TF-NLP and felt consciously competent to walk into a week of clients and use the protocol right away. Once you find a trainer who is knowledgeable enough to provide what they say they can, you want to keep going with them. I wish this was a foundational course in grad school... I wish I had taken this earlier!"

Sarah Burnett, MS, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Certified Yoga and AcroYoga Teacher, NLP Practitioner

“I would say that I have met few trainers in the last 40 years, in academia, continuing clinical education and NLP training, with his personal integrity, facility with NLP tools and acumen in training to clinical competency. I highly recommend his NLP Training Institute, and his personal training programs to anyone looking for genuine behavioral capability, delivered by a person of great personal empathy and integrity." 

Frank Bourke, PhD, Cornell University Professor