Listen to Allen Talk About the Possibilities of Life Without Trauma

Life After PTSD Podcast
With Jeff McLaughlin & Kari Russo

Designed To Heal Podcast
With Dr. Ben Rall

Flourishing with PTSD Podcast
With Manda, Advocate

Trauma-Informed Lens Podcast
With Matthew Bennett

Health 4.0 Podcast
With Namrata Bagaria
Allen Kanerva, MA
Allen is a former military officer and pilot, humanitarian worker, and International NLP Trainer and NLP Master Coach. He trains licensed mental health care workers in the use of the most sophisticated and rigorously researched tools in neuro-science that address post-traumatic stress (PTS) without drugs, without re-experiencing trauma,
and with an over 90% success rate.
What People are Saying

Shane, Former EMT-P
I recently completed an NLP & Time Line Therapy based coaching for post traumatic stress with Allen Kanerva at Inspired Outcomes. Three 5 hour sessions with Allen changed my life.
As we did the NLP and Timeline Therapy my hives literally disappeared. For the first time in 5 years I had no hives.

Stacy, Student Mother
I came to Inspired Outcomes feeling very broken and stuck in all aspects of my life. Having undergone decades of traditional counseling and inpatient programs for my depression, anxiety and PTSD, I was skeptical how this coaching would be different. It didn’t take long for my skepticism to disappear. I have now completed my coaching breakthrough and feel like a new woman.

Before I started with Allen I was uninspired, unmotivated and always living in negative past thoughts and fearful future thoughts. Now staying present comes more naturally now that I have changed my perspective and subconscious thoughts with Allen. If you have any hesitation about NLP, I highly recommend trying and sticking with it - it will change your life!
We train clinicians in unique interventions supported by evidence-based research on trauma focused NLP - tf-NLP™. These next generation trauma interventions stand apart because of their efficacy, brevity, non re-traumatizing qualities, and drug free methodology.

If you have been traumatized, tf-NLP™ can change your life.
Our licensed mental health care clinicians can provide in-person as well as online services. Click below and schedule a free phone consultation with us to find out more!
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